Boronia - Eastern Mixed Wednesdays - Spring 2024


  • Position assignment between Pasifika, Stingers, Fresh off the plane- FOPS, Kulawai Giants and Boronia Boomers decided via points
  • Pasifika vs Kulawai Giants, 25/09/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Stingers vs Pasifika, 25/09/2024 7:15PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Pasifika vs Fresh off the plane- FOPS, 02/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Pasifika vs Kulawai Giants, 09/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Pasifika vs Stingers, 16/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Pasifika vs Boronia Boomers, 23/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Fresh off the plane- FOPS vs Pasifika, 06/11/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Kulawai Giants vs Pasifika, 13/11/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Pasifika vs Kulawai Giants, 20/11/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between Pasifika, Stingers, Fresh off the plane- FOPS, Kulawai Giants and Boronia Boomers decided via points
  • Stingers vs Boronia Boomers, 25/09/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Stingers vs Pasifika, 25/09/2024 7:15PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Stingers vs Boronia Boomers, 02/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Stingers vs Fresh off the plane- FOPS, 09/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Pasifika vs Stingers, 16/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Stingers vs Kulawai Giants, 30/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Boronia Boomers vs Stingers, 06/11/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Fresh off the plane- FOPS vs Stingers, 13/11/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between Pasifika, Stingers, Fresh off the plane- FOPS, Kulawai Giants and Boronia Boomers decided via points
Fresh off the plane- FOPS9531004825231032
  • Kulawai Giants vs Fresh off the plane- FOPS, 25/09/2024 7:15PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Pasifika vs Fresh off the plane- FOPS, 02/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Fresh off the plane- FOPS vs Kulawai Giants, 02/10/2024 7:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Stingers vs Fresh off the plane- FOPS, 09/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Fresh off the plane- FOPS vs Kulawai Giants, 23/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Boronia Boomers vs Fresh off the plane- FOPS, 30/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Fresh off the plane- FOPS vs Pasifika, 06/11/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Fresh off the plane- FOPS vs Stingers, 13/11/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Stingers vs Fresh off the plane- FOPS, 20/11/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between Pasifika, Stingers, Fresh off the plane- FOPS, Kulawai Giants and Boronia Boomers decided via points
Kulawai Giants102710053503717
  • Pasifika vs Kulawai Giants, 25/09/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Kulawai Giants vs Fresh off the plane- FOPS, 25/09/2024 7:15PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Pasifika vs Kulawai Giants, 09/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Boronia Boomers vs Kulawai Giants, 09/10/2024 7:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Boronia Boomers vs Kulawai Giants, 16/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Stingers vs Kulawai Giants, 30/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between Pasifika, Stingers, Fresh off the plane- FOPS, Kulawai Giants and Boronia Boomers decided via points
Boronia Boomers7070001572-5722
  • Stingers vs Boronia Boomers, 25/09/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Pasifika vs Boronia Boomers, 23/10/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)


  • Position assignment between FOPS Mens, Kulawai Giants Mens, Pasifika Mens, Stingers Mens and Boronia Boomers Mens decided via points
FOPS Mens22000018414311
  • FOPS Mens vs Stingers Mens, 30/10/2024 7:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Boronia Boomers Mens vs FOPS Mens, 13/11/2024 7:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between FOPS Mens, Kulawai Giants Mens, Pasifika Mens, Stingers Mens and Boronia Boomers Mens decided via points
Kulawai Giants Mens2110001411326
  • Kulawai Giants Mens vs Boronia Boomers Mens, 06/11/2024 7:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Tied on points with Pasifika Mens
  • Position assignment between Stingers Mens and Pasifika Mens decided via try difference
Stingers Mens211000117415
  • Stingers Mens vs Pasifika Mens, 06/11/2024 7:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Tied on points with Stingers Mens
  • Position assignment between Stingers Mens and Pasifika Mens decided via try difference
Pasifika Mens211000913-415
  • Pasifika Mens vs Kulawai Giants Mens, 30/10/2024 7:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between FOPS Mens, Kulawai Giants Mens, Pasifika Mens, Stingers Mens and Boronia Boomers Mens decided via points
Boronia Boomers Mens202000623-1700